If you're not familiar with the plot, here's the synopsis from IMDB...
HENRY POOLE is HERE is a comedic drama about a disillusioned man who goes hiding in placid suburbia only to discover he cannot escape the forces of hope. Returning to the middleclass neighborhood where he grew up, Henry chooses to live in indulgent isolation. Real life, however, refuses to cooperate with his plans. Nosy neighbors interrupt him with curious visits and prying questions. Then the situation escalates as a stain on Henry's stucco wall is seen to have miraculous powers. His last-ditch hideout becomes a shrine; his backyard turns into an arena for passionate debate about faith and destiny. Seeking anonymous oblivion, cynical Henry Poole instead finds himself right at the center of the human comedy. A modern-day fable, director Mark Pellington's new film investigates the unexpected wonders of the everyday. A faithless man finds hope. A hopeless man finds love. Whether backyard miracles are real or triggered by hope and belief, their personal effects are permanent.
I might be tempted to buy this movie.
If you enjoyed Henry Poole the first time around, then I encourage you to check out the newly released family edition.I absolutely loved this movie! It was such a great story about a real life guy who was struggling with his faith and accepting it. This is something that I've been struggling with myself for the past couple of years. It was such an encouragement to see this played out. And it's really cool that I've found a site, http://www.henrypoolebelieves.com. Right now it looks like they are giving away 10 copies of the movie for free. If you haven't seen the movie yet, or even if you have, you could always give it to a friend, but it's definitely worth checking out!
Lesli - thanks so much for your information and the website. I had heard about this film and was searching online and ran across this blog and your comment. The website was most helpful, even convinced my family to watch the film this past weekend. You are right - PERFECT family film!
I love how HS guides me. I am thoroughly enjoying this movie. Seeing it online on Netflix. Thank you.
I, too, enjoyed the movie. I don't know about its release in the States. I saw it on a plane!
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